A cola and a smile? Not so fast….Diabetes Kills

Sodas And Lots Of Daily Sugar Can Cause Diabetes

In an on-line article by Kate Kelland (Reuters) I read of a very disturbing study done on the consumption of sugary drinks and Diabetes.  You know the ones to which I’m referring; Coke, Pepsi, and any of the other brands of soft drinks in that category.  Those of us who drink these on a regular basis consider these 12 ounce wonders to be a true friend.  They give us a boost of energy and refresh us with their effervescence.  Well, don’t be fooled.  These are the bad guys hiding behind clever commercials, fun packaging and a burst of ice-cold bubbles.


Hold onto your hat for this statistic.  Drinking just one of these sugar-rich beverages a day can increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 22%!  This study was done throughout eight European countries, utilizing information from 350,000 individuals.  They questioned these people about their diet, including the number of sugary and artificially sweetened soft drinks and juices they consumed each day.  The research team at Imperial College London was headed up by Dora Romaguera.  She has great concerns about the fact that Europeans have increased their consumption of these sugar-laden drinks and wants to get the information out to the public.  It’s also interesting to note that, according to this study, fruit juice consumption was not linked to diabetes incidence.  Actually, Smart for Life® believes that in the weight loss phase, no fruit or fruit juice should be consumed.

Type-2 Diabetes Is A Long Term Condition

The research that’s been done in the United States shows alarmingly similar results.  Several studies have linked the consumption of these beverages to being overweight and developing conditions such as type 2 diabetes.  Type 2 diabetes is a long-term condition characterized by insulin resistance and affects more than 310 million people, worldwide.

Patrick Wolfe, a statistics expert from University College London, who was not involved in the research, said the message is quite clear.  “The bottom line is that sugary soft drinks are not good for you – they have no nutritional value and there is evidence that drinking them every day can increase your relative risk for type 2 diabetes.” Wolfe was quoted to say.

So, there it is.  It’s time to steer away from what I call “dumb” calories.  For those of us who need to kick the habit, believe me, I know it’s tough.  We drink our 8-10 glasses of water a day and feel great about it, but really look forward to that occasional sweetness.  Personally, I’ve turned my diet cola habit into a Smart for Life® water enhancer habit.  I’m not saying it’s easy, but between the Peach Mango and Acai Pomegranate, I’m able to satisfy that craving and reap the benefits of this natural appetite suppressant supplement.   A few squirts in my water bottle, and I get great flavor along with an energy boost from the Vitamin B6 & B12.  But honestly, the biggest benefit is feeling the relief from knowing I’m no longer ingesting the colas.  Whether we’re trying to eliminate the sugar or the artificial sweeteners, we know it intellectually, but we have to line it up on a deeper level to be successful when we go to change these types of habits.  It feels like we’re saying goodbye to a dear friend; but believe me, some relationships just run their course.  This is one that’s best seen through your rear view mirror as you move on down the road to your healthier lifestyle.

To a Diabetes-free life, your health and happiness, -Dr. Sass